Hello. I'm David and I have created this weblog as a way to document technical solutions so I may refer to them later. As a technology practitioner, I cannot begin to estimate the number of times I've gone looking for an answer to an issue only to discover that I had been down that road before and had already found the answer. This is a perfect place for me to archive such solutions... if I remember to. It's also a place for me to record shortcuts that I can use to achieve something more quickly than if I typed it it (again).

In my background is a wide variety of areas that I would describe as "technical" including food science, electronics, software development, accounting, business, and more. There may be an occasion for me to wax philosophic about the good ol' days or something silly or odd. You never know.

Geek Methods gets its name from the concept methods in software. A method is piece of code or a procedure performs some computation and may return a result.

The urls of the links on this blog may no longer be correct.

If you're interested in the food business, checkout Food Methods (https://foodmethods.com).