
SQL Server

SQL Server management studio


Umbraco version 4

Download the Umbraco zip file

Download the zip file

Unblock the zip file:


if the message “Security: This file came from another computer and may be blocked…” is visible (at the bottom of the properties window) along with an “Unblock” button, click the “Unblock” button

if the message and button are not present – no unblocking action is needed

Unzip the file: this should produce the Umbraco folders (AppBrowsers, AppCode, App_Data, bin, etc.) and files

Make sure SQL Server authentication mode is set to “SQL server and Windows authentication mode”

In SQL Server Management Studio:

Set server authentication to “SQL server and Windows authentication mode”

from the object Explorer window, highlight the server name, right click, select “Properties”

Select page: “security”

under server authentication, select “SQL server and Windows authentication mode”

click OK

stop and restart SQL Server

Create a new database for Umbraco

In SQL Server Management Studio:

Right-click “databases”

Select “New Database…”

Enter a name for the new database

In the “Database files” area:

Choose a path for the database files (or use default)

Click OK

Add a new SQL Server login

In SQL Server Management Studio:

From the root server node (in Object Explorer pane)

Expand “Security” node

Right-click “Logins”

Select “New Login…”

Choose a name for the new login

Click “SQL Server authentication”

Choose a password for the new login

(this login name and pwd are needed for the Umbraco install)

Uncheck “Enforce password policy” (don’t click OK yet)

Click “User Mapping” from the left side

In the “Map” column, put a check by the new database – then check “db_owner” in the Database role membership area

Click OK

Close SQL Server Management Studio

Create a folder to hold the Umbraco installation

Create a folder for the Umbraco installation.

(frequently, this is a subdirectory of c:\inetpub – but it doesn’t need to be)

Set the permissions for the new folder that is to contain the Umbraco instance

First note the name of the Application Pool for ASP.NET v4.0 from IIS

Open IIS

Expand the server in the “Connections” panel

Click “Application Pools”

Note the name of the application pool for ASP.NET v4.0/Integrated (the name is probably “ASP.NET v4.0”)

On the new folder that is to contain the Umbraco instance Right-click|properties

Click the “Security” tab

Click the “Edit” button to change permissions

Click the “Add” button to add a new user

In the window labeled “Enter the object names to select”, type: “IIS AppPool\ASP.NET v4.0” (without the quotes)

Click the “Check Names” button – if the name is OK, it will be underlined (and the “IIS AppPool” part will disappear)

Click “OK”

In the list of permissions, place a check mark by “Full Control” in the “Allow” column

Click “OK”. That will close the properties window

Create a new website

Open IIS

From the “Connections” pane, expand the root node

Right click “Sites”.

Click “Add Web site…”.

In the “Add Web Site” window,

Enter the site name (can be anything – for example: “ClientA.local”).

Next to the “Application Pool:” field click the “Select” button. In the dropdown list of App Pools, select the one for ASP.NET v4.0 that you noted earlier

Select the Physical Path of the folder created earlier.

Enter a name in the Host Name field – this is frequently the same as the site name (example: “ClientA.local”)

Click “OK”. That will close the “Add Web Site” window

Start the website if not already started (Actions pane, Manage Web Site)

Close IIS

Add an entry in the Hosts file

Open the hosts file with Notepad

On 64-bit Windows, this is located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

On 32-bit Windows, this MAY be located at C:\Windows\System\drivers\etc\hosts

On a separate line, add an entry similar to this: “ ClientA.local” (without the quotes)

the name should exactly match the name typed into the Host Name field in IIS

Copy the Umbraco folders and files to the folder you created to hold the Umbraco installation

Copy the Umbraco folders and files

Install Umbraco

Open a browser

Navigate to http://ClientA.local

Sooner or later the Umbraco page will load with the Installation procedure started

Click “Let’s get started!”

Click “Accept and Continue” (on the license page)

Check: “I already have a blank SQL Server, SQL Azure or MySQL database”

Choose: Microsoft SQL Server

For Connection details (if you are using SQL Server Express Edition)


Database name: [the name of the database you created]

Username: [the login you created in SQL Server Management Studio]

Password: [the password you entered for the database in SQL Server Management Studio]

Click “Install” and hope for the best

If you have configured the database and login properly – the tables will be installed and then you will see the “Installation Completed!” message.

Click “Continue”

Provide an admin password

Click “Create User”

Follow the rest of the instructions…

Good Luck!

To access the site

Open a browser

Navigate to http://ClientA.local

To access Umbraco

Open a browser

Navigate to http://ClientA.local/umbraco/